Do Not Worry

Do not worry, do not fear, do not be anxious, do not fret. What about when we can’t. What about when we are stuck in the worry cycle? That’s what my latest song is about. A song to remember the promise that God is with us and has promised us his peace even when we forget.


UTR SongRX a daily dose of inspiration written by Larry Stephan

Mississippi Christian Living Magazine


Do not worry, do not fear. There are for sure times in my life where this message has not felt like enough. There was no bone in my body that could make myself not worry. In a deep season of anxiety and panic attacks I wrote a song about it. It just flowed out of me. Everything around me was crumbling, and I so desperately wanted to not worry about it. The struggle and problem with the world’s message of “do not worry” is that we’re left to figure out how not to worry on our own. Even coffee mugs bearing the “do not worry” phrase seem to taunt us in the seasons when we cannot focus our mind on what it is true.

Over the past year, I have dug deeper into the “do not worry” passages of scripture, and this is what I noticed. God in his word, does not leave us to rid our worry on our own. In his scriptures he pairs the phrase “do not worry” with his promises! Do not worry, do not fear, for I am with you. Do not fear, for I will uphold you. Do not fear, for I have called you by name you are mine. Do not worry, for I have declared you a place with me forever.

In seeking out His word and leaning on his promises, alongside some medical help and counsel, I have found recovery along the way. I’m not sure I’ll never not worry, but I am learning.

And I feel compelled to push this song forward to you now. More and more I find others who struggle with worry during deep seasons of sorrow, and my prayer is for this song to bring hope and promise in those deep anxious moments of life.

We may forget how not to worry, rather, we will forget friend, but God will remind us. And it’s there, in the broken heap, when the spirit whispers in our ear that he is with us and He gives us his peace.

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.

John 14:27