
Prayer Sticks

I have something for you to try. Prayer sticks have changed how our kids see prayer, no joke. But it really is something that could be for individuals too. That’s what I love about this system!

How to:

  • label popsicles of people and topics you want to pray for
  • color one side of the stick
  • find a container that brings you joy
  • put them color side up
  • pick out one or what ever number you decide to pray for every day
  • once prayed for, stick it color side down in the container
  • once each stick has been gone through flip them back over and start again!

It has been a flourishing way for us to inspire the idea for our kids that our prayer is important to God. Also it has taken our prayer from “thanks God for this day and for this meal” to specific life giving prayer! Our three-year-old asks for it on days we’ve forgotten! She LOVES praying with us. Each kid and parent picks a stick and we just go in turns around the table. It truly is such a brilliant and easy system! 

Prayer stick topic ideas:

  • all the important friends in your life
  • grandparents and family
  • thank you god for…
  • our country’s leaders
  • our teachers
  • our pastors
  • our school
  • and the list goes on!

We keep ours with our homeschool stuff but you could even make one for yourself and keep it at your bathroom sink! Wherever you will see it and remember to do it!

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